The organizations participating in the Coalition for Physician Accountability each has a responsibility to address the opportunities and challenges contributing to the systems used to oversee the education, training and practice of physicians. While each of the organizations individually makes a unique and important contribution to the system of self-regulation, strengthening the public trust requires increasing levels of cross-organizational communication and cooperation, consistent with law. This is the rationale for creating the Coalition.

Coalition Members
Members are national in scope and have direct responsibility for assessment, accreditations, licensure, and certification of physicians along the continuum of premedical and medical education, residency and fellowship training, and medical practice.
Accreditation Council for
Continuing Medical Education
ACCME’s mission is to assure and advance quality learning for healthcare professionals that drives improvements in patient care.
Accreditation Council for
Graduate Medical Education
The mission of the ACGME is to improve health care and population health by assessing and enhancing the quality of resident and fellow physicians’ education through advancements in accreditation and education.
American Associations of Colleges of
Osteopathic Medicine
The American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine leads and advocates for the osteopathic medical education community to improve the health of the public.
American Board of
Medical Specialties
The mission of ABMS is to serve the public and the medical profession by improving the quality of health care through setting professional standards for lifelong certification in partnership with Member Boards.
American Medical Association
The AMA promotes the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health.
American Osteopathic
Advances the distinctive philosophy and practice of osteopathic medicine.
Association of American
Medical Colleges
The AAMC serves and leads the academic medicine community to improve the health of all.
Federation of State
Medical Boards
A national voice for state medical boards, supporting them through education, assessment, data, research and advocacy while providing services and initiatives that promote patient safety, quality health care and regulatory best practices.
Intealth integrates the expertise and resources of ECFMG and FAIMER to advance quality in health care education worldwide and improve health care for all.
Liaison Committee on
Medical Education
Provides assurance that programs of the MD degree meet appropriate national standards for educational quality and graduates of such programs have an educational experience sufficient to prepare them for the next stage of their training.
The mission of the NBME is to protect the health of the public through state of the art assessment of health professionals.
National Board of Osteopathic
Medical Examiners
Protecting the public by providing the means to assess competencies for osteopathic medicine and related health care professions.
National Resident
Matching Program
To match healthcare professionals to graduate medical education and advanced training programs through a process that is fair, efficient, transparent and reliable. To provide meaningful and accessible Match data and analysis to stakeholders
Liaison members
Liaison members are national in scope and support the missions of member organizations in the accreditation, assessment, certification, and licensure of physicians along the continuum of medical education and practice.
Council of Medical Specialty Societies
Leading organization that convenes medical specialty societies around significant healthcare issues with the goal of producing and disseminating widely embraced principles, messages and projects that will improve the health of the public.
Joint Commission
Continuously improves health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value.